This application is developed by Alexander Maydorf.

The compiled programme is a free software - it's prohibited to sale - alone or in a bundle - even if there is no price specified.
The source code - in any development state - is owned and copyright protected by MAYDORF.MAIN.

To contact the developer - please use the contact form. The software itself also provides an email address.

You can use this software absolutly for free. Some - additional - functions are provided for supporting persons only. These functions do not limiting the main software functionality. There is no obligation to support the software. There is also no obligation of the developer to accept a supporter, accept a donation or provide any additional rights to a supporter.

The developer keeps the right to stop developing or providing the software. Also, the server can shut down without any notice. The developer is not responsible for any damage or problem - causes through the use of the software.


The software was developed with ADOBE ANIMATE and based on ADOBE AIR. Included libraries - like the pdf engine, audio converter or map system - are free- or shareware.
This is not a original software from any firing system company which is supported by this software. There is no guarantee for 100% error-free working. There is no liability at all.
The program is tested with COBRA firmware BETA 4.00 only, but it supports 3.xx and 5.xx. We recommend to try every script after uploading to the 18R2 remote control disarmed. Incompatibility or malfunctions might be possible by changes/updates/upgrades in the firmware - to newer versions. There is no guarantee how fast these problems can be solved.
PYROTHEK is communicating with a server. Even if you disable the update check - the app will communicate with my server. If you dont like this - do not use the application. If you block the communication, the app will stop working after a time period. You can see the app expiration date on the right side of the bottom status bar.
The server communication is used to make sure, you do not run a version with known issues or serious problems.
MAP information will also received from the server. Map tiles itself will be loaded from Google servers only. The software chaches only setting - no other user information.